Camillo Gamnitzer, Phenix 2016
Position: b7/4p3/p1npR1p1/2pK4/3p1P1p/3k1B2/N1p2P1Q/2B5 w - - 0 1
selfmate in 5

Black: Ba8, e7, a6, Nc6, d6, g6, c5, d4, h4, Kd3, c2
White: Re6, Kd5, f4, Bf3, Na2, f2, Qh2, Bc1

1. Dxh4? No threat!
1. Dg2?! (2. Le4+ Ke2 3. Lxc2+ Se5#) c4 = thematic defence! 2. Dg4 (3. f5 4. Dxd4+ Sxd4#) or 2. f5 (3. Dg4)
2. - Lb7 (3. - Lc8!)

1. Dh1? threatens like key; h3! (4. - hxg2!) 
1. Dh3! thr. (2. Le4+ Ke2 3. Df3+! Kf1 4. Dg2+! Ke2
5. Lxc2+ Se5#; 4. - Ke1? 5. Lc2+/Lf3+ Se5#;
3. - Ke1? 4. Ld3+ Se5#)
1. - c4 = flight (5./6. Kxd4...) 
2. Dg4? 2. f5? 2. - Lb7!
Therefore, better:
2. Dxh4! thr. (3. f5 ~ 4. Dxd4+ Sxd4#) g5? 3. fxg5! etc.; Lb7
Harm of that - now: 
3. Dh8! thr. (4. Dxd4+) S~+?? 4. Dxa8?? Lc8
Consecutive harm:
4. Te3+!! dxe3
5. Sb4+! Sxb4# → direct mate, under assistance of the former “battery-bishop”: 
6. Ke6?? 

Das Stück zeigt, in schwächerer Form, Parallelen u. a. zum "maßstäblichen" CG-Selbstmattfünfer Die Schwalbe 2011, 1. Preis.