Black: | Bf8, Rh8, g7, h7, Ba6, g5, a4, c3, e3, Kf3, c2, f2, Qa1, Rc1, Nd1 |
White: | Bg8, Bd6, Ne6, f6, h5, Ng4, h4, b3, Qd3, Rg2, Kf1 |
1. Sxe3? (2. S~+) Sb2+ 2. Sd1+ Sxd3!
Thematic: 1. Le7?/Lxf8? (2. Sd4+ Kf4 3. Se2+! Kf3 4. Dxe3+ Sxe3#) 1. - gxh4! 1. Sxf8? (2. Se5+ Kf4 3. Sc4+! Kf3 4. Dxe3+, slow 2. Le6 ~ 3. Txf2+ Sxf2#) Da3!
1. b4! flight (2. De2+ Ke4 3. Dc4+! Kf3 [Lxc4?] 4. Txf2+! exf2 5. De2+ retour! Lxe2#; 3. - Kf5 4. Dd3+ retour; Lxd3#) It does not threaten (2. Sxf8), because of 2. - gxf6! 3. Se5+ fxe5! 3. Le6? f5! 4. Lxf5 Lxd3+! 5. Lxd3... 3. Sd7? Tb1! 4. Sxf6 (5. Txf2+, De2+) c1S!! 5. De2+ Sxe2! 1. - Txg8, mainplay (3. - Kf5 4. - Kxe6!) 2. Le7? gxh4! 2. Lxf8! → selective flight (3. Sd4+) gxh4 (4. - Kg5!) Uplifting finale: 3. Sg5+! → selective check; Sd4+? Kf4 4. Ld6+ retour! Lxd6?? 4. - Kxg5(!) 5. Db5+!! Lxb5# 6. Lc4??! 6. Sxb5/Se2?? 1. - Lc4 → selective flight (3. Dxc4?) 2. Sxf8! with the decisively(!) new primary threat (3. Ld5+, deflection/Ablenkung! Lxd5 4. Dxe3+) gxf6? 2. - Txg8, best, reducing to 3. Se5+ Kf4 4. Sxc4+ Kf3 5. Dxe3+ Sxe3#
Complex [flightspecific] battle around a pinned white queen. Thematic choices, switchbacks, motive inversion, etc. etc.
"Schrecklich" schwer und schön! Erinnert mich immer irgendwie an Bruckners achte Symphonie (Werner Schmoll)