Camillo Gamnitzer, The Problemist 2021
Position: rb2R3/pnQ5/5pR1/2pp1k1P/P5NK/1p3P1P/2PPN2p/8 w - - 0 1
selfmate in 6

Black: Ra8, Bb8, a7, Nb7, f6, c5, d5, Kf5, b3, h2
White: Re8, Qc7, Rg6, h5, a4, Ng4, Kh4, f3, h3, c2, d2, Ne2

Without queen: 1. Tg5+ fxg5#
1. De5+? fxe5! 1. Dd6? (2. Dxd5+ Le5 3. Tg5+) Sxd6!
However, set: 1. - Sd6 2. Dxd6/Dc8+ etc.
1. Dc6?/Dxc5?/Dxb7? (2. Dxd5+) Lg3+!
However, thematic flight-try: 1. Dxh2? Lf4! flight-preparation (2. - Lxg5+ 3. Kg3...) 2. Sxf4 Sd6! 3. Dg3 Sf7 (4. - Sxg5!)


1. cxb3!! thr. (2. Sd4+ cxd4 3. Se3+! dxe3 4. Dc2+ Kf4
5. dxe3+! Kxf3 6. Tg3+! Lxg3#) h1S?!?
1. - c4! flight (2. Sd4?)
Signal for the "big jump":
2. Dxh2! (3. Tg5+) Sd6? 3. Dxd6 etc.
2. - Lf4 (3. - Lxg5+)
A double cavalry sacrifice in, compared to first threat,
reverse order...
3. Se3+ Lxe3
4. Sd4+! Lxd4 (cxd4??)
...ignites the final flash:
5. Df4+! Kxf4
6. Txf6+! Lxf6#

Partial sideline:
2. - Lg3+
3. Dxg3 Txe8 4. Sf4! Tg8 5. Txg8 ~ 6. Tg5+

Intense flightspecific battle transfering Bb8 zweckrein
to f6. Tremendous far ranging full-length threat, bi-coloured bristol, reciprocal sacrificial play of white cavalry, powerful Q-sacrifice, unpredictable last bang. Motive inversion.

Rahmensprengender fluchtspezifischer Kampf um den zweckreinen Transfer des sLb8 nach f6.

Further attempts (to view):
1. Te7? (2. Dxh2 Lf4 3. Sg3+ Lxg3+ 4. Dxg3 Tg8 5. Txg8 etc.) h1D,T!
1. Sg1? (2. Dc8+,Dd7+ Kf4 3. Df5+! Kxf5 4. Se3+ Kf4
5. Sxd5+,Sg2+ Kf5 6. Tg5+) hxg1L? 2. Se3+(!) Lxe3 3. Txf6+ Kxf6 4. De7+ Kf5 5. Dg5+ Lxg5# But 1. - hxg1S! (5. - Kxf3!)
1. Sc1? thr. shortest (2. Dc8+,Dd7+ Kf4 3. Sd3+ Kxf3
4. Sxh2+ Lxh2 5. Tg3+ Lxg3#) c4! (3. - cxd3!)