Camillo Gamnitzer, The Problemist 2022
Position: 5Nb1/3p3p/1P6/P1Qnk1P1/P4R2/PR3PB1/Kp5p/bN6 w - - 0 1
selfmate in 4

Black: Bg8, d7, h7, Nd5, Ke5, b2, h2, Ba1
White: Nf8, b6, a5, Qc5, g5, a4, Rf4, a3, Rb3, f3, Bg3, Ka2, Nb1

Lively rooks in full action 

1. Tb5? (2. Dc7+ d6 3. Tf6+ Kd4 4. Dc3+
and 2. Tf5+ Kxf5 3. De7 ~ 4. Txd5+) h1S!
1. Db5? (2. Te3+ Kd6 3. Dxd7+ Kc5 4. Tc3+
and 2. Tf6+ Kd4 3. Dd3+ Kc5 4. Tc3+) Kd6! 

1. a6! (2. Dd4+ Kd6 3. Te4+ Kc6 4. Tc3+ Sxc3#) d6
Thematic temptation: 
2. Tb4? (3. Dc3+) dxc5!
2. Td3! (3. Dc3+) dxc5
3. Tf5+! Kxf5
4. Txd5+ Lxd5#

1. - h1S (3. - Sxg3!)
2. Tf6+ Sxg3
3. Te3+! Se4
4. Dc3+ Sxc3#

1. - Le6 line closing (3. - Ke7!), involuntarily critical...
2. Dd4+ Kd6
3. Tf7+! guarding e7, now without interference; Kc6
4. Tc3+ Sxc3# Mini-variation of first threatplay.

Consecutive motive-inversions after 1. - d6!