Camillo Gamnitzer, Springaren 2019
Position: r1b1K3/p4R2/1P1Pk2P/2P4p/2PQP3/4P3/3p4/1rb3BB w - - 0 1
selfmate in 5

Black: Ra8, Bc8, a7, Ke6, h5, d2, Rb1, Bc1
White: Ke8, Rf7, b6, d6, h6, c5, c4, Qd4, e4, e3, Bg1, Bh1

1. Tg7?, Th7? thr. (2. Dd5+ Kf6 3. Df5+) d1D,T!

Thematic try:
1. b7? thr. (2. bxc8D,L+ Txc8#) Txb7! [2. Dd5? wrong mate!]

1. Dg7? thr. shortest, with tempo (2. Dg6+ Ke5 3. Te7+) Lb2! 2. b7? Lxg7! 2. Dh7? (3. Te7+ Kf6 4. Df5+) Lf6?
3. Txf6+ Ke5(!) 4. Lh2+ Kxf6 5. Df5+; However: 2. - Tf1!


1. h7! thr. (2. De5+! Kxe5 3. h8D+ Ke6 4. Dh6+! Ke5
5. Te7+ Le6#)
1. - Lb2
2. b7! Lxd4 → interim celar-up (3. - Ke5)
3. exd4 Txb7, regaining primal defence
4. d5+(!) Ke5
5. Tf5+ Lxf5#
6. Ke7??/Kf7??

Exceptional quiet and zweckrein replacement of white queen against "stronger" white pawn. Thematic temptation,
full-length threat, including theme Phoenix, pleasant finale.  

Compare esp.: Phenix 2018, S#5