Camillo Gamnitzer, Probleemblad 2019
Position: n4R2/1PpB1R1P/ppKp2p1/Q2nk1P1/8/1PpPBP1p/7P/6Nr w - - 0 1
selfmate in 7

Black: Na8, c7, a6, b6, d6, g6, Nd5, Ke5, c3, h3, Rh1
White: Rf8, b7, Bd7, Rf7, h7, Kc6, Qa5, g5, b3, d3, Be3, f3, h2, Ng1

The "black hole" or: how to unpin a knight? 

Postulated end: Te7+ Sxe7#
1. - b6~ never will happen...
1. Dc5? (2. Dxd6+ cxd6 3. Te7+) a5!
1. b4? (2. Dc5 a5 3. b5 ~ 4. Dxd6+ etc.) c2!
1. Dxc3+? Sxc3 2. ??

1. Lf2! (2. Tf5+ gxf5 3. h8D+ Kf4 4. Db4+! Kxg5
5. Dbh4+ Kg6 6. D8h5+ Kg7 7. De7+! Sxe7#)
Only defence:
1. - Txg1 (4. - Kxf3!)
2. Lxg1 ZZ! c2
3. De1+ Se3
4. d4+! Kxd4
5. Dd2+ Ke5
6. Dd5+!! Sxd5
7. Te7+ Sxe7#

After full-length threat and abrupt change to Zugzwang the unpinning-challenge is mastered in the most incredible way.

Nach vollzügiger Drohung und abruptem Wechsel zu Zugzwang wird das Entfesselungsproblem auf die unglaublichste Weise gemeistert.

Another jewel of Gamnitzer (HK)