Camillo Gamnitzer, The Problemist 2020 , 1. Ehrende Erwähnung
Position: b7/B4Q1R/2pPP1Np/1B3np1/2N5/2p2k1P/p3R2P/r1b1K3 w - - 0 1
selfmate in 5

Black: Ba8, c6, h6, Nf5, g5, c3, Kf3, a2, Ra1, Bc1
White: Ba7, Qf7, Rh7, d6, e6, Ng6, Bb5, Nc4, h3, Re2, h2, Ke1

1. Dxf5+? Lf4+ 2. Db1...
1. Df8? (2. Tf7 ~ 3. Txf5+ Lf4#), too slow; 1. - Tb1!
With tempo? 1. Sh4+ Kf4? 2. Sg2+ Kf3 3. Dh5+! g4
4. Tf7 etc. However: 1. - gxh4!

Further progress depends on an essential discovery:
bishop a7, guarding d4, impedes "selfmate in four moves"!

1. Lb8?/Ld4?* (2. Tf2+) cxb5!

1. Lg1!!
thr. (2. Tf2+ Ke4 3. Dxf5+! Kd4 4. De5+ Kd3
5. De3+ Lxe3#)
1. - cxb5 (4. - Kd3/Kxc4!) gets the stones rolling...
2. Db7+ Lxb7
3. Tf7 (4. Txf5+) Le4! (4. - Lxf5!)
4. Se5+! Kf4
5. Le3+(!) Lxe3#
5. - Ke4??

*1. Ld4? cxb5 2. Db7+ Lxb7 3. Tf7 c2! 4. Txf5+ Lf4+ 5. Lxa1...

Genre-specifically motivated exchange of white queen against white rook in an arrangement of "flying" dynamic.
Extensive full-length threat, surprising blocus-finale, provided by selective board-crossing key; thematic attempts and temptations...

Another typical and rich tactical challenge, achieving amazing logical depth in just 5 moves! (SJGT) Ausgezeichnet! (EZ)

As always, Camillo's inimitable style is displayed
(Juror Ivan Sorokoa) 

Vgl. Die Schwalbe 2016, S#5, 1. Preis, und Schach 2019, S#5 (Kd8/Kd6)