Camillo Gamnitzer, Schach 2019
Position: 3K2br/1P1P3p/1BNk3P/p5Pp/B2n1N2/R1pQpPn1/1PP1p3/5rb1 w - - 0 1
selfmate in 5

Black: Bg8, Rh8, h7, Kd6, a5, h5, Nd4, c3, e3, Ng3, e2, Rf1, Bg1
White: Kd8, b7, d7, Bb6, Nc6, h6, g5, Ba4, Nf4, Ra3, Qd3, f3, b2, c2

Tempting options:
1. Dc4? 1. Df5?! (2. Dd5+) Sxc6+! Nothing else, see finale...
1. Se5?,Sxa5? (2. Sf7+,Dxd4+,Sc4+) K[x]e5 2. De4+ Sxe4!

Thematic tries:  
1. Dxd4+? Ld5+ 2. Dxh8...
1. Txc3? (2. Tc5 3. Td5+) Txf3! (2. - Txf4) Ta1? no defence!
2. - Txa4 e. g. 3. Sa7!/Se5! ~ 4. Td5+/Sf7+

1. Tb3!! thr. (2. Lc5+! Kxc5 3. Tb5+! Sxb5 4. Dxb5+ Kd6
5. Dd5+ Lxd5#; 3. - Kxc6 4. b8S+ Kd6 5. Td5+; 3. - Kd6
4. Td5+)
1. - Td1! (3. - Sxb5...5. - Txd5!)
2. Txc3 (3. Tc5 ~ 4. Td5+) Ta1? see above
2. - Txd3! Roman, instead of - Txf3
3. Txd3 (4. Txd4+! Ld5#)
The decisive moment has arrived... 
3. - Sf5! (4. - Sxd4)
4. Lc7+! self-blocus Kc5
5. Tc3+, retour! Lc4#
6. Ke7??!

1. - Se4? 2. Se5,Sxa5 K[x]e5/Sd2
3. Dxe4+ Kd6/Tb5, ~ 4. D/Td5+
2. - Se4?,Sf5? 3. Se5,Sxa5 etc.

Zweckrein exchange of wQ against white rook in a monumental, deeply selfmate-specific Roman performance, impressively dominated by stage-star and "almost-factotum" Ra3...    

Wunderbar! (UD)

See f. e. also Die Schwalbe 2016, S#5, 1st Prize